End 2022 with kinship! From Giving Tuesday, 11/29, until December 31st, all donations to The Other Ones Foundation are building the 4th and final neighborhood here at The Esperanza Community.
What is TOOF?
We're all about the marginalized. The vulnerable. Those "Other Ones" out there living on the fringes. We believe in the extraordinary value of every human life, and that everyone deserves to be fulfilled.
The Other Ones Foundation is a nonprofit that offers humanitarian aid, case management, and extremely low-barrier work opportunities to people experiencing homelessness in Austin, TX.
We work in tandem with many partners, including public, private, foundations, faith-based, and non-profit groups.
To all who support and contribute to this work, thank you!
2021 IMPACT:

Earned income paid to people experiencing homelessness
People moved into stable housing
701,289 lbs
Trash removed from green spaces in Austin
Showers provided by our shower trailers
Holiday Bedding Drive

Give the gift of comfort this Holiday Season!
As we continue to help more folks move into shelters, we are running a bedding drive. Click the link below to order some bedding and give someone the gift of a safe, comfortable night's rest:
TOOF and Findhelp Films Join Forces (Again!) to Tell The Story of Esperanza
The Other Ones Foundation and findhelp films (formerly Resolve magazine) have joined forces (again!) to tell the story of the Esperanza Community. The Esperanza Community is a sanctioned encampment in Austin, TX where TOOF and the residents of the site are working together to build a transitional shelter community where unhoused individuals can find the stability they need to move on to a safer and more fulfilling life. Stay tuned as this incredible story unfolds!
Our Executive Director, Chris Baker, was featured as one of the heroes of Queer Eye season 6.
Chris has dedicated most of his life to serving others, particularly those experiencing homelessness. The majority of his friends, family, and coworkers will tell you that he is one of the kindest, most selfless people they've ever known. However, somewhere along his path, he forgot how to serve himself. This summer, he was given the gift of a week with the Fab 5, during which he began a journey of remembering how to love and care for himself the way he and TOOF love and care for our clients: unconditionally, radically, and without judgment.
We are all incredibly proud of Chris, and it is an honor and a privilege to work alongside him. Watching his journey has been so beautiful for all of us at TOOF, and we hope it is able to have some kind of impact on you as well.