Clone of Volunteer

Volunteer at TOOF 

Here at The Other Ones Foundation we are committed to forming partnerships all across Austin. If you are looking to effect positive change in your community, volunteering is a great way to start! Fill out our volunteer form, or email, so we can get to know you! We have a range of options that include both in person and off-site volunteering. Scroll down to see how you can get involved with TOOF's mission!



TOOF Supper Club is a program for volunteers to fellowship with our community by providing a meal and activity for our Esperanza neighbors! This opportunity is for groups numbering 8-10 volunteers, and takes place at 4:00 PM-7:00 PM (including setup and takedown time). If you’re looking to book a group, download the guidelines by clicking here, and contact Katherine Santulli at


We are hosting events for our neighbors on site at the Esperanza Community and are looking for 2-3 volunteers to help! Events include movie nights, bingo, and karaoke. Volunteers will be expected to help with set-up, snack service, and joining in the fun. 


On Wednesdays, we offer a Free Store to our clients from 2:30-4:30 PM. At the store, clients can get everyday necessities like toiletries, flashlights, and other important items.


Bedding Drive

Give the gift of comfort!

As we continue to help more folks move into shelters, we are running a bedding drive. Click the link below to order some bedding and give someone the gift of a safe, comfortable night's rest:

We want to get to know you!