what it is
The Going Home program utilizes case management and minimal, one-time transportation expenses to reconnect people experiencing homelessness to loved ones in order to rapidly divert individuals from homelessness. Program participants are offered one-time transportation expenses including fare and food, along with case management to help find a stable community to travel to. People served by Going Home receive three months of follow up care after arrival at their destination.
To inquire about Going Home for yourself, a client, or a loved one, please use our referral link:
How it works
This program will follow an established model from our friends Grace at the Green Light in New Orleans, who have sent home 2,500 individuals with 72% sustained housing after three months. Measures of success include the number of persons sent home and stability of the home after follow-up in a week, month and three months. Individuals served will be referred by TOOF staff or community homeless service organizations.
Going Home prevents homelessness, rapidly exits from homelessness, or diverts individuals from homelessness. The way we accomplish these goals is to meet individuals where they are, and offer case management focused on getting them to a home to a loved one (family, friend or program) that will avert or end their homeless situation.
Once a location and support system are identified and verified, Going Home will provide a way for them to get there. Food and other amenities will also be provided for the journey.